Going to a foreign country or a new city is always an exciting prospect. It offers opportunities to see new things, meet new people and sometimes just get an opportunity to relax. There might be a cultural show or some sort of performing art available that you have never seen. You might discover a new cuisine that you never knew existed but which immediately becomes your favorite food. It might be the place that you end up going on your honeymoon or for your anniversary.
Whatever your purpose, it is important to be prepared for whatever you might encounter. This means having contact information for family members, bringing all the necessary documents and keeping your plane tickets in a safe place. But it also means something much more simple. That is, finding the right city guide.
A lot of people might find this obvious, but they might also ignore this advice. But when traveling abroad it is always a good idea to bring a city guide. It is not as embarrassing to be recognized as a tourist because you are holding a city guide as it is to have to find someone who speaks English because you have lost directions and do not have a map. The best city guide will provide you with maps, hotel recommendations, basic survival phrases if you are in a foreign country, landmark information and restaurants locations.
Some travelers prefer an online city guide, but, unless you are certain that you will have internet services available wherever it is that you happen to be traveling, it is also a good idea to have one of the best city guides in hard copy when making your trip, the type that you can mark up with a pen. Hopefully, by the time you get home, your guide will have also sorts of markings in it. To be abroad is to join a community, and it is by forming an opinion on what our city guides recommend that we can finally say that we know a place for the first time.