With summer finally here, camping season is now in full swing — and families from coast to coast will be packing up and heading to campgrounds all across the country. If 2013 — a year when Americans and their families spent an amazing 516.6 million days camping — is any proof, we can expect another year where camping thrives.
Yet when parents bring young children along for a family camping trip, many things can and do go wrong. As a parent, it’s your responsibility to make sure your kids stay safe while learning about the wonders of the great outdoors.
Want to ensure everyone stays safe during your many visits to family vacation cabins this summer? Be sure to remember these three crucial safety tips for bringing the kids along on your family’s next camping trip:
Don’t let anyone stray from camp unsupervised
In the wilderness, there are no GPS systems, security cameras or other ways to locate people who are lost. To make sure no one in your family strays from the path and gets lost, it’s extremely important to go everywhere in groups of two or more. Additionally, never let kids away from the campsite without adult supervision.
Soak up the sun — safely
During the peak adventure hours between 11 a.m. and 3 p.m., the sun is also shining its strongest — and a severe sunburn can ruin anyone’s camping trip. Apply sunscreen frequently and liberally, and consider buying hats and sunglasses for your kids to give them added protection against damaging UV rays.
Get everyone vaccinated
In the wilderness, insects like mosquitoes and ticks are some of the most notorious transporters of disease. Because of this, having everyone in your family vaccinated is never an option. Be sure to have your children vaccinated against Lyme disease, tetanus, meningitis and any other illnesses your doctor thinks might be caught during a camping trip.
Have any other tips, tricks or suggestions for making anyone’s stay in family vacation cabins fun and safe for every member of the family? Share with us and your fellow readers in the comments below!