It was embarrassing.
You had never met the woman who was standing on your porch, ringing the doorbell at 11:30 pm on a Thursday night, but you know each other now. In fact, now that you have been “introduced” you realize that you actually see each other at the neighborhood grocery store two to three times a week.
But on that late Thursday night you were still strangers.
You and your husband were both sound asleep when you heard the doorbell rang. Since you both woke up, you both went downstairs. Curious, and a little nervous about the late night interruption, you were shocked to see a woman about your age standing on the front porch with your two sons and their two friends who you thought were all sleeping in the basement.
Here is the story the woman from six blocks away told: Her husband was working in the office right by the front door and was able to catch the boys who had made a two-night habit of playing Ding Dong Ditch. The boys were hiding behind the neighbor’s construction stuff. Her husband was going to let the boys go, but the woman at your door explained that since she had to jump up to shut off the alarm, she wasn’t going to let these young boys get away. She went out and asked the boys if they rang our doorbell. They said yes. When she asked why, they said they were bored. she then asked if their parents were in bed, and they said yes. She grabbed one of the boys’ hand and marched them home. And now here they were.
On your porch.
In trouble with a neighbor you were meeting for the first time.
The boredom the boys proclaimed seemed small, compared to the anger and embarrassment you were feeling at this moment. The woman who walked your two sons and their friends home explained that they had been sleeping and that they have two children who have to be up early to go to daycare. she suggested that maybe you needed to help your children find more constructive things to do with their time. She hoped that you appreciated her coming to you instead of calling the cops.
The woman who was telling on the boys’ behavior may have been pretty bold, but she brought a problem to your attention. Your two boys needed more of your time. Both you and your husband had been working long hours, even though the boys were out of school for the summer. You were so sound asleep you had not even heard the boys and their friends slip out. As parents you agreed an appropriate punishment was for the boys to mow the Ding Dong Ditch house yard for the rest of the summer. In addition, you decided that a family camping trip would give you a chance to spend time together. A chance to reconnect. A chance to talk about making good choices and being respectful of other people.
Campers Indicate They Camp Out Nearly 15 Days a Year
In a life of busy work, school, and activities schedules, families often slip into survival mode. Flying in and out of the house, families have little time to share meals and to share conversation. The decision to take a family camping trip, however, is an opportunity to leave hectic schedules behind and enjoy time together. Whether you decide to find cabin rentals or simple camping sites, families can share cooking responsibilities and clean ups tasks as well.
Depending on your budget and your preference, you can reserve campgrounds that are simple and rustic or campgrounds that have water park options. Water fun provides a chance for families to get exercise while at the same time enjoy the thrill and adventure of slides and wave pools.
Camping at a location near a water attraction gives families an alternative to fishing, boating, and other outdoor activities. While some families resort to taking away privileges and electronics when family rules are broken, other families realize that the better choice may be to spend quality time together demonstrating respectful behavior. Perhaps following the example of the 40.1 million people who went camping in 2013 will help you get your children back on track.