Picking perfect campgrounds isn’t hard to do if you know what to look for. Here are just a few things to keep in mind as you search for camp sites.
Make Sure It’s Safe. – The first thing campers should do when looking for camp sites is to find spots that are safe. Rocky terrain might host a ton of snakes, and could also be prone to avalanches and rock slides. It’s also a bad idea to pick camping grounds that are at the bottom of cliffs that have loose or falling rocks. If there’s a stream or river nearby, it’s wise to camp above the high-water mark, even if it’s dry. It’s also good to camping near tall, dominant trees, single trees, or small clumps of trees, since they’re targets for lightening. Dense stands of trees that are about the same height offer better protection from lightening.
Make Sure It’s Environmentally Sound. – Camping sites should also be environmentally sound — campers should set up in places that will have the least impact on the environment. These camp sites are usually pre-established, and should be at least 200 feet away from water. Durable surfaces, like rocks, bare ground, sand, or gravel, are great places to pitch a tent. If you’re allowed to make a fire, make sure you only do so in the fire pit provided at the site if it’s pre-established. If it’s not, you need to dig one properly.
Make Sure It’s Comfortable. – Last, but far from least, campers should also choose camp sites that are comfortable. A good spot will have a clearing for tents on relatively flat, well-drained terrain. Good camp sites have a bit of elevation, and aren’t in depressions. Grounds with a slight rise will also help avoid puddles from forming.
So long as your camp site is safe, environmentally sound, and comfortable, you’ll be fine. If you have any questions about hunting for camp sites, feel free to share in the comments.