Taking a vacation every year can be good for your heart: recent studies showed that annual vacationing can cut a person’s risk of heart disease in half. Although many of us still work on vacation, the idea of taking a few days or a few weeks out of our busy lives to go travel and have some adventure is an appealing one to many Americans.
Vacation property management teams are finding a marked increase in homeowners who enjoy their hometowns so much that they are willing to rent their properties to travelers. Many families report that they prefer vacation rentals that come with a kitchen and are closer to activities: in some cities, hotels can be located so far out of town that travel time can detract from time spent touring the vacation destination.
A newer trend among people who live in larger cities is to invest in cabins or other properties located in the countryside, and then to rent them out on the off-season as hunting cabins or during peak travel season as vacation homes. With many city-dwellers looking to maximize their passive incomes, investing in property is becoming a popular choice.
In the hunt for a vacation property management team, experts recommend finding a company that will advertise and show the property — even virtually — to interested renters. Sometimes, a larger company will simply have more time and manpower to devote to advertising and may have in-house software that can help screen potential renters.
Beach vacation home rentals tend to be a safe bet for people that are looking into acquiring rental properties. In summery climates, the season for travel is naturally extended and owners can expect a higher rental rate. Beach vacation rentals continue to b popular investments; choosing a property management company that can deliver cleaning services for high-turnover rentals may be ideal for off-site homeowners.