Did you know that Amazon is now the owner of an airplane leasing company? As of this year, Amazon bought 10% of Air Transport Services Group, and it agreed to lease 20 Boeing 767 aircrafts. Amazon also receives the right to buy up an additional 20% of the company over the next five years. Not surprisingly, this is part of a larger strategy on Amazon?s part to expand its control over shipping and logistics.
If you?ve been looking into your own flying practices, you may have realized that you spend more money than you want to on jet charter services. Although more than 8 million people fly every day, the majority of them are, not surprisingly, not using jet charter services!
This doesn?t mean you need to stop using a charter jet, though — you just need to get smarter. Here are a few things you should keep in mind.
Evaluate the Size of Your Aircraft Charter Services
It?s a common budgeting issue: we become used to ordering the same thing over and over, even though our current needs start to differ more and more from our past ones. Have you been ordering a specific jet sized based on who you needed to transport a year ago — rather than who you need to transport today? Re-evaluating whether your current needs make sense with your current solution can help you cut out some unnecessary costs.
Opt for the Private Jet Empty Leg
If you take a private flight from Miami to New York and the flight needs to go on to another destination, consider this: what if you were able to sell the private jet empty leg? This isn?t going to be an option for everyone, but for some people it can be a great way to fill this space and save some money. Alternatively, you can do this in reverse by doing searches for the empty leg of other flights so that you can travel in comfort without paying for the miles you?re never going to use.
If it?s Not for Business?
If you?re just looking for a way to go on vacation, you might be surprised by how affordable it can be to get a private jet. Many private jet companies are offering deals on empty leg flights and last minute unused inventory in order to improve their bottom line — but it can lead to a subsequent great deal for you. You can fly from Connecticut to Philadelphia, for example, for about $540 — which comes out to $90 a person if six people come along. It helps to be flexible, since many of these deals are only available at the last minute.
Would you opt for a private jet empty leg? Do you think you’ll be going to your next vacation via private jet? Let us know.