If you frequently travel while towing a trailer or another object behind you, then it’s important to brush up on your towing safety knowledge every now and again. Now is the perfect time to get a light refresher on towing safety. This is especially important as the winter weather starts to settle in.
Here are a few important towing safety tips that you’ll want to remember while you’re out on the road this winter.
First and foremost, it’s important to understand your manufacturer’s manual for your vehicle. In it, there are guidelines that tell you what your vehicle’s tow rating is. This number indicates how much weight your vehicle can safely tow. For instance, if you have a truck with a tow rating of 10,000 pounds, then you absolutely cannot tow anything heavier than that without putting your safety and the safety of other drivers at risk.
It’s also important to make sure that your trailer electronics are working properly. Malfunctioning electronic brakes on your trailer could spell disaster for you and especially for other drivers on the road. Make sure your electronic brake lights and brake controller are working as intended before you hit the road.