Camping is one of America’s greatest recreational activities, with over 40 million people camping over 515 million outings in 2010. Although the RV industry is developing more comfortable accommodation options every year, nothing beats the rustic feel of setting up in a tent camping ground. Nearly 86% of campers do some form of tent camping, while 33% look into cabin rental, 24% participate in RV campgrounds, 11% do backyard camping, 8% sleep under the stars, and 2% have slept in a yurt. No matter where you sleep, almost 87% of campers participate in a variety of outdoor activities: here are the three best outdoor camping activities for tent camping.
Many people who hunt will often do so as an excuse to get away on vacation. Hunting is one of the prime outdoor activities that can be coupled with camping to make an ideal weekend retreat. Many friends have gathered around campfires while preparing for the next day’s hunt. Make sure safety is the top priority, and don’t forget to have fun!
By far, hiking is the most popular camping activity with up to 92% of campers participating in hikes. Hiking is one of the best ways to explore nature, with every trail offering something new to behold. Many campers like autumn camping solely for the fall colors along hiking trails. Especially scenic, mountain locations are desirable to hikers.
Like hunting, real fishing enthusiasts look for any excuse they have to grab their rod and tackle when camping. There are a variety of fishing styles for all skill levels, from bobber and reel to fly fishing. Those who fish often take the time to learn about their quarry, choosing specialized bait and ideal rod setups to get the hook to the proper depth. Even the most avid of hobbyists will always find room to improve their fishing game with new reels, bait, and rods coming out every year to ensure that each cast will be better than the last!
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