There are so many wonderful opportunities to experience in the great outdoors, and so many people do not even realize it. But for those who do see those opportunities for what they can be, grand adventures, there are incredible benefits to taking advantage of them. And it is impossible to tire of these types of adventures if you are truly open to all the possibilities. One could explore for an entire lifetime and still not discover every amazing place there is to find on this amazing planet. But you could at least give it a solid try, perhaps by venturing out to your local campground, for starters.
Finding the campground that speaks to your adventuring style
Some people are not entirely sold on the idea of going camping. But there are ways to break into the activity that will not seem quite so overwhelming from the start. Once you have a bit of a base of experience, widening your range of what you can handle becomes more exciting than daunting. If you decide to give camping a try by heading to a nearby campground, you will be more relaxed, as you are not locked into an unfamiliar experience. You have the mental security of knowing in the back of your mind that if something goes awry, you can easily escape back to the comfort of your home. Taking off that pressure will allow you to start exploring the experience and everything that you could add to the adventure to make it exactly what you want it to be.
Understanding the need to get outdoors
Camping, obviously, can be anything that you make it. The large number of people who enjoy the outdoor activity across the globe each have their own personal style. No one should determine your outdoor adventure style but you. It may evolve over time, developing into something you likely never expected, but let it happen organically. You might find that you prefer vacation rentals like cabins or even family camping resorts. Perhaps the campground was too crowded and not rustic enough, and your next adventure will involve you hauling a tent or bivy on your back up a secluded mountain trail. The beauty of diving into all that the great outdoors has to offer is that it is essentially connecting you with yourself and the natural habitat of your soul, if you open yourself up to that level of interpretation.
Preparing for your first visit to the campgrounds
Over the course of one year, people spent over $1.5 billion on camping equipment of some sort or another, largely sleeping bags and backpacks. But depending on what you do or do not already have in your possession, what you can manage to borrow from friends or family, and just what you want your trip to look like, you could be looking at any number of necessities, or luxuries, depending on how you look at it. Aside from your sleeping bag and backpack, what else do you need for a good night’s rest? Will you be sleeping under the stars, in a bivy or tent, a camper, or a cabin or resort? You will likely need a flashlight or lantern, and probably fire starting supplies. Will you be near restaurants or will you be bringing your food, or hunting and fishing for it?
It may help to make a list of the activities that you will be participating in, day and night, and from there make a checklist of the things that you will need for each of those activities. A good chunk of campers, at 43%, start planning their trips a month or more ahead of time, and particularly if it is your first adventure, you will want to make sure you are well prepared.
Getting a start on outdoor adventuring at a young age helps. About 57% of people who camp were regularly active outdoors as children, while just 25% of people who do not camp had much exposure to outdoor fun. But statistics are not law. Regardless of your experience, it is never too late to discover your own outdoor style.