Camping is an activity that millions of Americans have enjoyed for decades. Families and friends have taken off from their homes and ventured into the wilderness to leave their cares behind for a time. For those who enjoy the wilderness and all of the possible activities that come with spending time outdoors, camping is something they look forward to for months at a time. Whether is be tent camping, cabin camping, roughing it at family campsites or even staying in an RV, camping is the great vacation pastime.
It may surprise you to learn that camping is a $15 billion dollar a year industry. While it doesn’t typically cost much to find a good camping site, so many people around the country enjoy the outdoors that the camping industry has always been a steady one. In 2011 alone, folks spent 534.9 million days camping, whether in a tent or a luxury camper. This came out to an average of 12.6 days per person. That’s a lot of people loving their camping site. It’s 42.5 million Americans, actually.
There are plenty of places to find a good camping site in this great country of ours. You can camp on the beach or deep in the forest. Most campers, however, prefer the family campgrounds or the public camping resorts. In fact, according to The Outdoor Foundation, 67% of people surveyed said that they camped mostly in public campgrounds. Part of the reason for this is the abundance of activities to be found at family camping resorts and public campgrounds.
Family friendly campgrounds often offer outdoor pools, water slides, and other related water activities. They also tend to have other activities available like climbing and games. Miniature golf is a popular activity in public campgrounds, as is volleyball. Basketball courts are also typically found alongside a family camping site.
Fun family vacations don’t have to be beyond your budget, either. If you don’t have any equipment but want to give camping a try, there are vacation rentals that can include just about anything you will need to make you experience unforgettable.
It doesn’t take much to be totally prepared for an adventure of a lifetime. Hiking is one of the most popular activities campers participate in while on a camping trip. Canoeing is another. If you have a lake or a river nearby your camping site, you might want to consider making a day trip in a canoe or raft. Guides and experts are usually at hand to help schedule and plan your trip, and also to take you and pick you up, depending on where your canoe or raft trip will take you.
One place in particular that is fun and exciting when it comes to taking kid friendly vacations is Sioux Falls, SD. Named for the Sioux tribe of the American Indians, the Big River is just minutes from downtown. The waterfalls of this river are glorious to see, and the river keeps you cool during those dog days of summer.
Wherever you go around our great country, you can find a wonderful camping adventure. So gather your family and have the best vacation of your lives!