Visiting a new city is definitely exciting. However, planning time in a new city can also be daunting and overwhelming as you certainly don’t want to miss out on anything. Therefore, before you embark on your next urban adventure, consider checking out a city guide to help you plan your stay and maximize your time. Whether you are planning a weekend in Los Angeles, a week in Osaka, or two months in Rome, a city guide can help you to figure what to do and what to see.
City guides can be excellent resources when planning a vacation, full of a plethora of information. For example, they can provide restaurant recommendations, accommodation recommendations, ideas and suggestions for things to do and see, tour and tour company recommendations, etc. They also often contain maps of cities, making it easier to get your geographical bearings while trying to get around. And many city guides very often contain recommendations fit for every budget, whether you are looking for a cheap hostel or a five star hotel. Keep in mind, there is no single, best city guide out there. Rather, if you are looking for the best city guides, there are a variety of different options you might want to consider.
For example, you might consider the Lonely Planet guidebook series, which include city guides as well as country guides. The Lonely Planet series can be especially great for adventure travelers ad backpackers, very often containing suggestions for destinations well off the beaten tourist track. Eyewitness Travel is also an excellent guidebook series for travelers. Furthermore, it is important to note that online city guides can also be a great resource. The Lonely planet website offers many online city guides, as does National Geographic.
Overall, city guides can make planning a trip to a new city easier, ensuring that you see all of the highlights and experience the best that a city has to offer. If you are planning a trip to a new city, definitely check out a city guide before packing up and heading out.